Monday, September 21, 2009


This thing still exists?

If you stumble across this, go to:

Oh, and both of the current business cards are way sweeter than the two in the last post.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Even more neglect.

The Obscura will be up by the first.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


This will continue to be neglected even further.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Just a quick update.

I've had a number of people requesting to see more current work, and I kept putting it off.

Luckily I had five minutes to kill before I go to a friends house, and I was already sitting at my computer.

Canon Elan 7e
50mm f/1.8
400 Tri-x Pushed to 1600iso.

Canon 20d
20mm f/2.8

Canon 20d
50mm f/1.4

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another Strobe Assignment.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

First Strobes Assignment.

In lieu of the the somewhat negative feedback I've received over the mice, I compromised on a more tame subject matter over my original. I'll probably do the original still, but just not for this assignment. The original was vomit. Food before and after. "Before" being sensible and nicely displayed. "After" being thrown up and in bowls with parsley, vegetables and silverware. Also the act of throwing up. Finding models was going to be hard, but I had a few people in mind.

But I digress.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Dead Mice

This was is my hot-light assignment. Person with one light, and then two lights. Product the same, and then one light at 45, 90, and 135 degrees.

The reaction I got from my professor and fellow students was genuine acclaim. The general consensus was roughly complements of the composition and exposure. The Professor seemed rather impressed, he actually responded with a "Wow". The subject matter wasn't too large of a problem for them.

Outside of my protective barrier of a classroom critique I was met with mixed results. I'll say that the majority of people that saw it weren't too thrilled. Short of actually discussing the photo, I was mainly met with guilt trips. To be honest, I don't regret any of it, and if anything, it was a learning experience of how to respond to negative feedback.